
What Are You Reading? (August 2015)

I try to get these posts out each month. But sometimes I just totally forget. Anyway, I wanna hear from you. What books are you currently reading? What books have you just finished reading? And what books do you plan to start next? If you’re an audiobook listener, let me know what’s on your radar as far as audiobooks go! Tell me about the book you’re reading, and why. Hopefully I or someone else will use it as a recommendation for a future read!

I just began listening to Fool’s Errand, a fantasy novel by Robin Hobb, which is the first novel in her Tawny Man Trilogy. It’s also the fourth chronological book of FitzChivalry Farseer’s life, as the character is part of her much larger Realm of the Elderlings series. I had to stop reading her books for a time, because they were just so stressful and torturous. Stressful in that they were entirely unpredictable. Torturous in that they broke your heart every chapter. I had to stop reading after her first trilogy (The Farseer Trilogy), because it was too much emotional drama for me while planning my wedding. Now enough time has lapsed since that period to get back into the thick of it. Robin Hobb’s eighth FitzChivalry book is coming out this year, so I’ll try to catch up.

I’ve also been very excited about the upcoming Star Wars film. So much so, that I’ve been cranking out novel after novel of the new canon Star Wars series. Easily the strongest so far was Dark Disciple, which novelized unfinished scripts for Star Wars: The Clone Wars cartoon but for an adult audience.

I’ve also recently read Go Set a Watchman, the official sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird, which I quite enjoyed. My review has some spoilers, so beware.

As far as what to read next, I’m not sure. I have a number of paperback Tor ARCs (advanced reading copies) that I haven’t started, namely The Traitor of Baru Cormorant, Last Song Before Night, Updraft, and Barsk: The Elephant Graveyard. Any idea which of those titles I should get into next?

Be sure to friend me on Goodreads, or follow my reviews!

If you need a new book to read, be sure to check out some of the reviews on my site, or check out the comments below for recommendations! Interested in an Audible account? Check out my post Is Audible Worth It? to see if it’s for you, and get two free books of your choice to listen to!