Smash or Pass – E3 2017

Ah, the question we’ve been asking ourselves since the first video games began to populate the market: will I smash or will I pass? The origin of the actual phrase is iffy, but most assume it began with cartridge gaming, and being particularly excited about smashing your games into your console. Yes, that sounds right to me. And now, in that age old tradition, Jenn and Dakota will embark on their own Smash or Pass challenge, centered around the ’51 Biggest Games of E3 2017,’ according to IGN. Join us.

Which games looked smashing to you? Let us know.

And hey, if you’re looking for someone to talk to you incessantly to the point of you not needing to open your mouth to speak at all, check out this offer Audible is throwing: 2 free audiobooks with a free trial!

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