What Are You Reading? (December 2014)

It’s that time again. What are you guys reading? What’s on your reading list? What have you recently finished? What are you looking forward to reading? Why are you reading it? (Or are audiobooks more your thing?) Do you need a reading recommendation? Let me know in the comments below! I wanna hear it!

Personally, I’ll be doing a lot of reading/listening this month, trying to get my last few 2014 titles in before the year is out. I’m currently almost done with the audiobook version of Robert Jackson Bennett’s fantasy novelCity of Stairs, which is a wonderful example of worldbuilding expertise. I’m also going to be reviewing Brandon Sanderson’s novella Sixth of the Dusk, part of the Shadows Beneath: The Writing Excuses Anthology. And then I plan to dive right into A. M. Dellamonica’s Child of a Hidden Sea, a fantasy title I bought at NYCC in October because that cover is gorgeous. That may be it for my reads for books released in 2014. I’m planning to do my Best of 2014 books before the holidays are out. If I can, I’ll see if I can’t give the first of Jeff Vandermeer’s SciFi trilogy, The Southern Reach, a go. As it stands though, I highly doubt I’ll be making my Goodreads goal of 40 books read this year.

Also, I’ll be looking for my next Featured book/author soon. If you’re interested, please let me know.

50 thoughts on “What Are You Reading? (December 2014)

  1. Just finished the three Dawn of the Jedi graphic novels, and have now moved onto the novel Into the Void, which I’m hoping will provide more background to the era than did the comics… They weren’t *bad*, but it felt like they really only scratched the surface of what’s going on.

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  2. Somehow Prince Lestat surprised me by its existence, so that’s my travel reading at the moment. Accidental Highwayman comes recommended by Sanderson so… that’s on the list too. And my boss suggested Crucial Conversations as a good management/people skills book when I don’t feel like getting lost in someone’s fantasy world (or reinterpretation of this one).

    Which is, like, does that even happen? So I *might* get to that one eventually.

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  3. I just finished “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” by Jesse Anderson, which was hilarious despite it’s topic. I’ll take on “Testament of Youth” by Vera Brittain this month and maybe some other books, depending on how fast my book delivery service is and what I’m getting for Christmas.

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      1. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl is about a guy who has to befriend a girl who has cancer and is about to die. As sad as it may sound, it’s mostly hilarious.
        Testament of Youth are Vera Brittain’s memoirs of the years before, during and after World War I.

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  4. I recently read some older ones for the first time… BLACK LIKE ME about a white man changing his skin colour to experience racial injustice in the South decades ago…. And I also loved BLOOD MERIDIAN by Cormac McCarthy. The lengthy and bleak prose is worth sifting through, as we follow The Kid in the real Wild West. He collects scalps from Natives for bounty.

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  5. When I list it all out I really wonder how I manage to fit in all the books. I’m about to finish up Choke by Chuck Palahniuk tonight. Then I’m going to read (in the following order): Warm Bodies by Issac Marion, Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter, The Magician King by Lev Grossman, and Throne of Glass by Sarah Maas. If I have time I’ll throw in Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson. Graphic novel wise I’m going to read Saga Vol 3, and Cowboy Ninja Viking 1&2.

    I’ve become a goodreads addict which is not helping me out any.

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      1. The first 200 pages dragged and ultimately felt like a lot of backstory for what was to come in the last 200. That said the last 200 was enjoyable enough that I’m giving the sequel a go. The beginning nearly killed it for me though.

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  6. I just sped through the first three books of the Lunar Chronicles and they were amazing… I love retelling of fairy tales but this one took it to a whole new level of awesomeness… though I’m super sad now that I learned the final book won’t be out till next November… but it’s crazy to see the magic of fairy tales redone into science fiction amazingness…

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  7. Im currently nearing the end of Mages Blood (book one of the Moontide Quartet) by David Hair, which i shall review soon. Then I shall be tackling the Malazan series by Steven Erikson. Next year is already looking like its going to be a great year for new bookish goodness, and the TBR pile is always growing to Kaiju height

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh dude, Malazan is going to be epic my moustache senses are on overdrive! The concluding book to Stepahnie Saulter’s fantastic (R)evolution series, Rebirths of Tao by Wes Chu, The Iron Ghost by Jennifer Williams, Myke Cole’s new book, Rod Duncan’s sequel to the Bullet Catcher’s Daughter, The Cathederal of Known Things by Edward Cox and my goodness countless others. What about you?

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  8. I’m trying to finish my current unfinished books before the end of the year. These include The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins, The Shining by Stephen King (finally saw the movie quite recently so I wanted to read the book), and a book called I Am Dead that I picked up at my local comic con – it’s not very good but I feel like I need to finish it.

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  9. I’m probably going to spend the entire month reading ARCs, along with some Scott Lynch. The Lies of Locke Lamora was excellent so I have fairly good expectations for the next in the series.

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    1. I’ve heard great things from it. Which ARCs? Also, where do you receive said ARCs? I hope to get more into that come next year.


      1. It’s definitely worth the hype so far. It’s a handful of random books, The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu, ets. Three Body’s going excellent, I can see why it’s a multi award winner in China. I request em over at http://www.netgalley.com. It’s a little bit of setting up, but publishers post a lot of cool stuff on it, so it’s worth it.

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  10. I’ve just finished book two of the Southern Reach Trilogy, I’m really excited the final. I’m also working on finishing up Cibola Burn of The Expanse series, and I think that its the best entry to date. Next up I want to take another chunk out of Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere, starting with the Mistborn series and Elantris.

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      1. As of now, no. I’m sure there will be villain crossovers, it’s even hinted at sometimes by Brandon that it’s already happened. With Sixth of Dusk the Cosmere gains an element that can effect all the other books. I’m not sure if Brandon could get away with a legitimate crossover series,

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  11. Honestly, Dragon Age Inquisition is eating up all my time. That is kind of like 10 fantasy books in its own way 😉

    The book active on my kindle right now is: Bathing the Lion by Jonathon Carroll. It is, kind of weird but I have been enjoying it.

    Liked by 1 person

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