If you’re following the evolution of this blog from written to video (for better or worse), you’ve probably seen me struggle a bit. It’s hard editing videos and also finding time to write articles and reviews. And then there’s life to live on top of that. I’ve decided not to spam Geekritique.net with all the videos that we make for The Geekritique Show as I don’t want the quality of my actual posts to diminish.
But though our new show has hit a modicum of success, certain videos just get swept under the rug for some reason or another. For instance. I thought this video of us talking about some of the new books we scored at a local book sale would be a major hit. Well, not major. But certainly not my least viewed video! Eh. Take a look.
Was it enjoyable? Are we approaching the video the right way? If not, it may very well be the first and last Geek Haul. But who knows. Which book should we check out next of this batch? What kind of videos would you like to see? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, but if you like the video, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel!
I really enjoyed this. Take home lesson: read to stimulate your own creativity, AND take good care of your books. I agree, that you made a very good score for $9.00.
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