This is the official title, and title card for the forthcoming DC Comics film produced by Warner Brothers. Previously known as Batman vs. Superman, Dawn of Justice confirms what we’ve all been secretly telling ourselves – this is basically Justice League. With the introduction of [at least] two other Justice League characters in this film alone aside from the two mentioned in the title (ie. Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman & Ray Fisher’s Cyborg) it may as well be.
Is Warner Brothers attempting to cut too many corners as they try to build up their own version of the uber-successful Avengers, jamming too much into this second film in their franchise? Perhaps. But we won’t see how well this’ll work out until it’s upon us. I’m only slightly worried.
Personally I’m very excited. I’ve wanted to see Batman and Superman in a film since… well definitely before they teased it in I Am Legend. But the title Dawn of Justice… Not feeling it. What are your thoughts?
From I Am Legend, back when a rumored Batman/Superman film was a hot topic.
It sounds so Twilight, un Original.
This pretty much sums up everything that went through my mind when I was informed of this announcement. But my undying predilection for anything Justice League leaves me hopeful despite the few worrying signs that it could be incredibly disappointing.
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The title card? It seems unusual for the have completed – and to have released part of – the opening credits this early.
It’s popular nowadays for big name superhero flicks to tease their title cards. Marvel made it popular, introducing all their upcoming title cards at comic con
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I’m surprised at how small the words are then. Most title cards have the movie title really big.
Dawn of Justice… they’re just not giving this movie a chance are they… I hate to say it but that title just made me give up all hope on it… and I think you’re right… they’re trying to catch up and make their own Avengers… but Marvel had several movies that built up to Avengers so that by the time we got there we knew and loved the characters so that we went in with a clear view of their background and that’s what made the movie so amazing… DC hasn’t built up that same connection… we’ve had 1 superman movie that just introduced him from the new angle they gave him… but the rest will all have to be introduced because even as we may know them in the general sense… it seems with each time they make a movie about them they kind of make them into different people… there’s always that chance this movie will surprise everyone and be awesome… but I have a sinking feeling that it isn’t going to be near as great as they’re building it up to be…
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I don’t think the silly marketing department subheadings matter to mainstream audiences, so worry not… 🙂
It’s interesting that going back to when Stan Lee turned “chairman emeritus” and camped out in Hollywood trying to get Marvel on the big screen, at the same time Kirby brought his unique art to saturday morning cartoons, this has been an important and inevitable step in the decline of the paper comicbooks. Not so much digital delivery, but definitely the replacement in imagination of the published comics with the filmed version. That has become the default version for the world, as the Marvel Cinematic Universe ™ has proven.
Perhaps when peka unpopularity has been achieved for paper comics people like Dan Slott will be evulsed and they will begin again…
But based on the 1920s to 1930s experience more likely the few remaining paper comics by 2025 will be servants of the movies (and TV) and somewhere out there the next medium-sized thing is being quietly developed by an indie?
Hope so.
I’m exited about this too. I hope it is great. There are a lot of potatoes stewing in this pot, so I hope the gun hasn’t been jumped. Great potential here and I really am hopeful.
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