For the past several years both Peter Jackson and Steven Moffat have been teasing the possibility of bringing the Doctor Who team to New Zealand to film a special episode directed by Peter Jackson himself. The director has long been interested, being a superfan of the show himself. The BBC has stated they wouldn’t be able to afford him, and he’s responded by saying that the only payment he’d need was one of those new shiny Daleks.
Well, those discussions have since been quieted, especially after Moffat made mention some while back that Jackson was too busy with the Hobbit to bother with anything else. Well, now that he’s finished with the Hobbit, Jackson has posted a cheeky video on his Facebook potentially teasing his future involvement with the popular series. Watch it below:
Interestingly, notice the book on the table in the video. It’s Tolkien’s Silmarillion. No doubt Jackson is also trolling his Lord of the Rings fans. The Silmarillion is another of the author’s classic works that takes place in Middle Earth, so the idea that the director is contemplating another journey into that realm is tantalizing.
Aside from that we got another Who/Jackson tease recently, with these pics being posted a few days earlier:
So can we expect a Peter Jackson directed Doctor Who story? Hopefully. Certainly the director has had his share of ups and downs when it comes to his films, but a director of his caliber would definitely bring an extra dimension of adventure and finesse to the program. Rarely are directors lauded as highly as the writers, as the episodes are usually only as strong as the scripts, but this might reverse that.
Could we see a story directed by Jackson as soon as series 10? I really hope so. Aside from his directing another Adventure of Tintin film in 2016, his schedule looks remarkably free. What do you guys think?
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Just wanted to say that watching this bit of film brightened a sad, dull day. Love the photos of Capaldi on the Hobbit set: thank you for these! Whilst a FB friend had already posted the film, this is the first I’ve seen of the photos. Cheers! Particularly like the one of PC peering out of Bag End.
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Well, feel better. Sorry to hear the rest of the day isn’t as great. It is a pretty cute vid, and yeah. Gotta love Capaldi at Bag End.
Considering he took over the Hobbit trilogy from Guillermo del Toro, redesigned it during production, while still producing The Adventures of Tintin (co-written by Steven Moffat), only had a few months of prep, shot with almost nothing ready, editing at the same time, storyboarded and scripted scenes as they were shot, had barely any control over the film he was making while not having any time to think about it and wrapped a few weeks early to have some time to think… how did he even manage to make a trilogy that was at least competently directed? Clearly, he can produce something on the technical level of that trilogy on a bad day – what can he do in a more streamlined production? All he needs to do is not desire too much control, especially since it’s television, which has more limitations, and will therefore require him to be more creative. All he needs is people to tell him when he stop. And the BBC definitely will. That way, it won’t need to be split into three parts.